Verified Audience Campaign

To create a Verified Audience Campaign, click on the New Campaign tab at your screen’s top right corner.

On the new page you’re directed to, look for the Get Verified Audience tab and click on it.

You’ll be taken to a page where you’ll be required to enter your campaign settings. Here you can give your Verified Audience campaign a name or use the one provided.

Start by entering a Destination URL, which is the domain you will advertise. Please make sure that you enter your URL correctly.

You also have an option to add a Google Analytics tracking code. Adding a code will enable you to track the website traffic you receive from your Verified Audience campaign in your analytics. Below this, you can check the different macros available on our network.

Next, you have to enter the Cost Per Visit. We recommend that you set a higher cost to receive the best quality of traffic.

Then move on to set your campaign budget. By clicking on Budget you can select the amount to spend per day or run an unlimited budget campaign.

You can also Schedule the start and end of your campaign or choose to have it running continuously.

We also have GEO targeting, that allows you to choose the countries to receive traffic from. Just type the country in the search box and select it in the drop down menu that appears.

You can now enable Source Sampling, which lets you test as many traffic sources as possible.

You can also select Clicks Cap. This allows you to set the number of times that your ad displays to the same user. Please note that you have to select one click per person daily if you only want to receive unique users.

Using Technology Targeting, you can target your audience according to devices, browsers, and connection type.

In the Channels section, we have several options to get your traffic. You could leave this section as is if you’re not sure what channels to use for your campaign.

Once you set the criteria for your campaign by filling in all the details above, you can click on the Create a Campaign button or click Advanced Settings.

  • The Timetable option lets you customize the days or hours your display ads run.
  • You can optimize your campaign, so you only get traffic from the right sources. Follow the optimization rule settings written on the site to do this.
  • Custom filters allow you to better target your traffic.
  • You can also enable Sources and Domains Whitelist / Blacklist. This is in order to target specific sources or domains or blacklist the ones that you don’t want to receive traffic from. You can either find them from your analytics with the help of macros or by using optimization rules.
  • The same applies to IP Whitelist / Blacklist.

Once done with the advanced settings, you can now click Create a Campaign.

You’ll be redirected to your Dashboard.

Your campaign will be automatically activated. You can pause, duplicate, or delete the campaign by clicking the Information box. In the information box, you can see the percentage of traffic blocked due to your settings. This will help you know what kind of changes you can make in your campaign to optimize it and receive more traffic volumes.

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